Gallery – Other occupants on the estate Big
 One late winter’s day in the middle of the path was this little fellow. Even the lawnmower in full roar passing close by did not get it to stop stuffing itself. Probably it had just been roused out of hybernation with the munchies. For an hour it moved from leaf to leaf in the grass on the path gobbling it down. Only by the time the whole lawn was mowed, the critter had gone. Back to bed presumably.
The loud lawn mower did not make it flinch.
 The close up camera did not cause it to bat a eye.
 The manager could even stroke it carefully, without it slowing its chewing.
More camera shy are some other occupants and passers by, like:
badger, stoat, mink, fox, deer, pheasant and a variety of ducks. There are a pletora of other feathered friends, large and small. From Kingfisher to Heron; Bluetit to Robin – who are watching our every move in the grounds. Wagtail flying and pecking against the windows to make clear they did not like the trees behind the house to be removed; Thrush eating the tulip bulbs out of the ground before they got to bloom; all also liking the wild bird seeds put out for them beside the house.
 accidentally exposed: badger’s lair’s entrance. An average lair has some 6 – 9 entrance/exits

 Robins watch us everywhere
 birds love the tulips!
And one can clearly sense a host of elementals, the original inhabitants. Deva’s and fairies, clearly informing us of their presence, allowing us to learn to work in fellowship with them in caring for the land. Making space for human and his/her needs, and caring for and leaving undisturbed their places.